1. The wind is winter, blows strongly so that burns the face.
2. The sun is almost invisible, it is hidden behind thick clouds.
3. The sky is clear, the clouds on it are snow-white.
4. Today the weather was clear, quiet, and the mood was serene, warm.
5. Sunny warm weather gave way to unexpected damp blizzards.
6. The wind was cool, a little smelling of rubber breeze and swayed purple, blue, blue with red speckled leaves of trees.
7. The weather was cold, windy, so the snowdrifts were above the windows.
8. The weather today is beautiful, the wind is moderate, there is no cloud in the sky, rather warm air.
9. The clouds completely closed the sky.
10. In hot sunny weather it is better to settle in the shade of trees.
Вас попросили написать вашему английскому другу письмо из своей жизни, используя (типа о своем доме рассказывая о территории своего дома и пригласить своего друга к себе)
Я буду использовать Максима в качестве вашего друга, можете использовать другое имя, если у вас есть друзья.
Dear Maks,
How are you? I just got home.
My new house is very big! It's in Russia next to Border. It has 7 rooms! In my bedroom there is a TV and a computer. Opposite the house, there is garden. I feel freedom and relaxation!
Would you like go to my house? Drop me a line today.
(Ваше имя).