1. glasses
2. A species
3. shorts
4. a means
5. means
6. scissors
7. a series
8. series
9. species
1. does
2. don't
3. want
4. was
5. aren't
6. wasn't
7. is
8. isn't
9. they are
10. are very friendly
11. do
12. is
1. The government wants to increase taxes.
2. Jenny is wearing _ black jeans today.
3. Russia is playing with England in a football match next week.
4. I like Joe and Nora. They’re very nice people.
5. I need more than ten pounds. Ten pounds isn’t enough.
6. I’m going to buy _ new pajamas.
7. The committee hasn’t made a decision yet.
8. There was a policeman directing traffic in the street.
9. What are the police going to do?
10. These scissors aren’t very sharp.
Chaplin was a founder of his own film Studio, a theater, silent movie, one of the creative pillars of silent cinema, the developer of most of his own stunts and comic techniques of shooting and a witness to the change of silent era into sound. Double-Chaplin received a non-competitive Oscar, and in 1973, the Academy posthumously awarded him another statuette with the words "For what he did to cinema as an art".
Everyone knows the image of Chaplin – a clumsy weirdo in a bowler hat with a mustache drawn. That he was a completely different without makeup, believe not immediately./