1. all preparations being made, we went on an excursion. (the nominative absolute participial construction = независимый причастный оборот) - когда все приготовления были сделаны, мы отправились на экскурсию.
2. i expect you to be on time. (complex object = объектный инфинитивный оборот, сложное дополнение) - я надеюсь, ты придешь вовремя.
3. he is said to learn foreign languages quickly. (complex subject = субъектный инфинитивный оборот, сложное подлежащее) - говорят, что он быстро учит иностранные языки.
sebastian was born on july 3, 1987 in heppenheim, germany. he was the third child in the family, his older sisters name is melanie and stephanie, and younger brother, fabian. according to him, he said in an interview, he was awful in high school, and his childhood idols were "three of michael," schumacher, jackson and jordan. vettel wanted to become a singer, but quickly realized that he had no voice, and broke up with this dream [2]. he currently lives in switzerland, amongst other riders and is a fan of the german soccer team "eintracht"
vettel started racing in karting in 1995, he won several titles, for example, in the junior karting championship in monaco (2001). in 2003, he moved to a series of cars with open wheels and won the championship of the german formula bmw, won 18 victories in 20 races.
he was confirmed as a test driver for bmw sauber in 2007 [8] and went on to act in the world series by renault, where he won his first victory at the legendary nürburgring. he led the championship before permanently move to formula 1, and was replaced by michael ammermyuller.