1.My daughter is still a teenager. She is only fifteen.
2. He knew it was a painting worth $10 million
3. Three hundred people gathered at the stadium.
4. In the section 2 we also suggest other topics that need to be
5. The first battle of the American Revolution was fought in year the 1775.
6. А hundred years ago the principal means of communication
was by post and telegraph.
7. How many children are there in the school? About three hundred
8. The report has got over five hundreds pages.
9. It happened in the year two thousand and two
10. All International flights are from the Terminal
2) except for of the separate cases provided by the law. ( За исключением отдельных случаев, обеспеченных законом. )
3) busy schedule today at work. ( Плотный график сегодня на работе. )
4) Go home and relax or drink something. ( Пойдите домой и расслабьтесь или выпейте что-то. )
5) We went camping in the hill country. ( Мы отправились в поход в горы. )
6) An authoritarian coach who runs football practice like it's boot camp. ( Авторитарный тренер, который проводит футбольную тренировку так, как муштруют молодых солдат. )
7) They may have been discussing the question for two hours. ( Они обсуждают этот вопрос уже часа два. )
8) I need glasses for reading. ( Для чтения мне нужны очки. )
9) such a busy week was in it month. ( Такая напряженная неделя была в этом месяце. )
10) It sounded like a reasonable enough excuse to me. ( Это походило на достаточно разумное оправдание мне. )
11) The hop was a lot of fun. ( На танцах было очень весело. )