Architecture is the art of building various structures which meet human needs and are of practical use. No modern society can exist without architecture. The word ‘architecture’ has Greek roots. It means ‘the principal builder’. The style of architecture changes according to latest technical features and people’s tastes. Some people think that architecture is simply the outer look of the building.
L) Nobody will buy this sct of tools. 2) None of his friends is going to apply for a visa to the UK. 3) Nobody is able to pay this money immediately. 4) How many sentences have you written? - No one. 5) He wanted to teach his cousin how to manage her money, but she had none at all. 6) I have three sisters but Jill has none. 7) Nobody is going to take part in this research. 8) Nonе of the applicants was able to cope with the test. 9) How many pies have you eaten? None. 10) Nobody of my friends has paid their tuition at the university.
The most common North American wildcat. Lives in forests and mountains, swamps, mountains, grasslands and deserts. Her legs are not as long and wide as the European lynx, because she did not have to wander in deep snow. And indeed it is less. A Bobcat hides in tree hollows, crevices between rocks, in the bushes. It is important to have protection from the wind and a bed of moss and leaves. A year in the mother is sometimes two broods, two kitten each. Red lynx preys on voles, squirrels, hares, small deer. Maybe to catch fish. In the desert it sometimes can be seen on the cactus looking for prey: her vision is excellent. So I wouldn't want to meet her.
Перевод: Самая распространенная в Северной Америке дикая кошка. Живет в лесах и горах, на болотах, в скалах, на травянистых равнинах и в пустынях. Лапы у нее не такие длинные и широкие, как у европейской рыси, ведь ей не приходится бродить по глубокому снегу. Да и сама она поменьше. Прячется рысь в дуплах, расщелинах между скал, в зарослях кустарников. Ей важно, чтобы была защита от ветра и подстилка из мха и листьев. В год у матери иногда бывает два выводка, по два котенка в каждом. Рыжая рысь охотится на полевок, белок, зайцев, небольших оленей. Может и рыбу поймать. В пустыне ее порой можно видеть на кактусе высматривающей добычу: зрение у нее отменное. Так что я не хотел бы с ней встретиться.