mark twain (born mark twain, samuel langhorne real name clemens (born samuel langhorne clemens); november 30, 1835, the settlement of florida (missouri) - april 21, 1910, redding (conn.) buried in elmira (ny ) - american writer, journalist and social activist. his work spans many genres - humor, satire, philosophical fiction, journalism, etc., and in all these genres, he has consistently taken the position of the humanist and democrat.william faulkner wrote that mark twain was "the first truly american writer, and all of us ever since - his heirs" and ernest hemingway wrote that all modern american literature comes from one book by mark twain called "the adventures of huckleberry finn ". russian writer of mark twain especially warmly maxim gorky and alexander kuprin.
If I had a chose, I would most likely live in a big modern city. It's populated streets and moderness gives it charm. It feels great to live in a huge city, you never feel alone! And there is always so much to do, so many things to see, you just can't get bored. Of course though there are down sides to living in the city. Some of them are that there is much more pollution, especially compared to the country side. During the summer in big cities it can get overwhelmingly hot, and in result many citizens can get heat stroke. There is also the increase in diseases, such as lung disease, which is due to the fact that there are a lot of smokers in the city. The city can also be stressful.
But nonetheless, I still would enjoy living in one! :
2. She thought that she was fat.
3. I told her that she was perfectly normal, but she didn't listen. (только первая часть)
4. She said that she would only be happy if she was as thin as a supermodel. (только первая часть)
5. I noticed that she didn't eat her school lunch and she didn't go out with our gang when we went to our local pizzeria. (только первая часть)
6. When we asked her to come, she always said that she had just eaten and wasn't hungry (только вторая часть)