I think it*s better to live in your own house. Of course it needs a lot of money to keep everything in order. But you can do everything you want on your territory. Its up to you plant flowers or potato. sunbathe or swim in your own swimming pool. You can build a playing cort or something else. And the most important reason you will not have angry neighbours
Цвет глаз, рост, хобби, кто родители, любимая машина, любимая музыка, фильмы. напиши.. как ты допусти куданибуть отдыхать ездела.. ну или блин просто от балды пиши что в голову придёт :)))
пиши что ты любиш чего не любиш, разнообразь.. где бываешь какой город нравится, что делаешь по выходным что по будням.. надаело ли тебе ваще жить.. куда хочешь пойти где не была.. уйма всякого отстоя чего можно на маляву пустить :) напиши о своем хобби (если его нет-придумай. я так обычно делала) ) опиши город, в котором живешь. напиши про семью: где работают родители (это ведь тоже относится к тебе) , твое домашнее животное. и т. д. все получится! :)))
Fay greeted Jerry and emphasized that he he was thinking of applying for a job with a multinational company but he was worried about having an interview in English.He asked Jerry if he could give him any good tips. Jerry told that that was tough and explained that the first thing was to try to make a good impression.Jerry added that that they often say you never get a second chance to make a first impression.He pointed out that he Fay really need to get off to a good start. Fay liked this advice. Jerry explained him that he should firmly shake the interview's hand while greeting him or her with a smile.He added that Fay should keep eye contact especially when listening to the interviewer. Fay wondered if body language was really important. Jerry agreed with him.He told that the second thing was to have confidence.He explained that Fay should learn a little bit about the company before the interview.He advised him to find out what they do and how long they had been in business and also what their business motto was.Jerry added that Fay also should anticipate possible questions and think about how he would answer. Fay thanked Jerry and wanted to know if he should ask about the salary during the interview. Jerry answered no and told that Fay should let them brought up the topic of money or wait for a second interview.Jerry pointed out that if Fay prepared well,made a good impression,had a confidence and used English naturally then he would almost certain to be interviewed again.Jerry wished Fay good luck.
I think it*s better to live in your own house. Of course it needs a lot of money to keep everything in order. But you can do everything you want on your territory. Its up to you plant flowers or potato. sunbathe or swim in your own swimming pool. You can build a playing cort or something else. And the most important reason you will not have angry neighbours