How long do I have to wait? I brought the robuxes out yesterday at lunchtime and I have to wait 24 hours I want to take them out and they write back tomorrow.How long do I have to wait? I brought the robuxes out yesterday at lunchtime and I have to wait 24 hours I want to take them out and they write back tomorrow.How long do I have to wait? I brought the robuxes out yesterday at lunchtime and I have to wait 24 hours I want to take them out and they write back tomorrow.How long do I have to wait? I brought the robuxes out yesterday at lunchtime and I have to wait 24 hours I want to take them out and they write back tomorrow.How long do I have to wait? I brought the robuxes out yesterday at lunchtime and I have to wait 24 hours I want to take them out and they write back tomorrow.How long do I have to wait? I brought the robuxes out yesterday at lunchtime and I have to wait 24 hours I want to take them out and they write back tomorrow.How long do I have to wait? I brought the robuxes out yesterday at lunchtime and I have to wait 24 hours I want to take them out and they write back tomorrow.
Hi, it's me *твоё имя*. How are you? I'm fine. I'm interested,where do you live? Example I live in *страна, город*. And I like my city where i live. i live in here *сколько лет живёшь в этом городе*. What are you like about your town? I like my town because in here beautiful. And I like everything in my town. What do you enjoy doing here? And what don't you like about your town? I like walking in the park.
Привет, это я *твоё имя*. Как ваши дела? У меня все нормально. Мне интересно, где ты живешь? Наример, я диву в *страна, город*. И мне нравится город, в котором я живу. Я живу здесь, в "сколько лет ты там живёшь ". Что тебе нравится в своем городе? Мне нравится мой город, потому что здесь красиво. И мне нравится все в моем городе. Что тебе здесь нравится делать? И что тебе не нравится в твоем городе?
Я люблю гулять по парку.
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The mistletoes is not a Christmas plant.