Проверьте правильно ли? 1) i have got some talents, it`s dancing and singing. 2) i think, i could learn how to cooking, playing on music instruments. 3) i have not chosen my future profession yet. it`s will be connected with computers.
1) У меня есть таланты, это танцы и пение.2) я думаю, я мог бы научиться готовить, играть на музыкальных инструментах.3) Я еще не выбрал свою будущую профессию. Это будет связано с компьютерами. Да.
Read the first paragraph again and answer the following questions: 1is the school system the same all over the uk? other 2when does the school year begin in england and wales? september 1 3how many terms are there in a school year? 4how long is the school day? 2.read the second paragraph again, study the diagram and answer the following questions: 1 when do children in england and wales start school? 2 how long is compulsory education? do parents have to pay for school? 3 do many british kids attend public schools? 3.read the third paragraph again, study the diagram and answer the following questions: 1how long does secondary school last? 2what subjects do kids study at primary school? 3do kids have to study religious education? 4what other subjects do schools sometimes teach? 4.read the last paragraph again and answer the following questions: 1at what age can students choose subjects to study? 2what do the letters gcse stand for? 3why is it important to pass the gcse?
Dreaming about future is a great pleasure and a kind of spending my free hours for me. I believe that our life WILL CHANGE greatly and I hope not to worse. There WILL BE no wars and diseases in the 21st century. People WILL BECOME healthier, stronger and more kind-hearted. They WILL CARE each other more than themselves and WILL STOP polluting environment. Their looks WILL STAY the same, but the souls WILL BE more noble and pure. People WILL GET also cleverer and WILL MAKE many great discoveries, which WILL TURN our life to the absolutely new way. Besides we WILL FACE great changes in technics and science. Supersonic planes (to cut) the sky above our heads, super-powerful spaceships WILL FLY to the new planets and probably we WILL FIND there human-like creatures and WILL START relations with them. New technologies WILL HELP our doctors to find medicine against all possible diseases and people WILL CEASE suffering. The climate WILL BECOME warmer and our planet WILK SINK in trees in blossom and flowers with beautiful fine scent. New types of birds and animals WILL APPEAR. I WILL CHANGE too. I WILL GROW older and I hope wiser. I think I WILL FEEL happy in my old years because I WOULD see all these changes with my own eyes and probably to participate in some of them. But I’m absolutely sure that one thing WILL REMAIN the same forever – love. My grandchildren WILL FALL IN LOVE as I did when I was young. They WILL HAVE all these magic feelings in their hearts, but I hope they WILL BE more talented than me and WILL TURN them into beautiful sonnets.