A man and woman lived together in a small, poor village. The village was poor and unhappy. One day they found a cat. The cat was black. They name him Charcoal. The cat was very cute and funny. He always came back to home with a golden coin. One day a man followed a cat and he saw a magical waterfall of golden coins. The man was really happy. They got everyone from the village and everyone collected as much coins as they could get. The village became rich. The man and woman lived with the cat all their life in happiness. The end!
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There was a pig named Betty. She had a best friend, Teddy. Teddy is her bear. She always went with him, and never parted. But one day, Betty lost her toy. She was very upset, but it didn't show, she went to look for him. Betty, like a brave super hero, went in search. Pig questioned everyone, but everyone answered: We don't know. Soon Betty was very upset and started crying. But suddenly, she found her teddy bear under the pillow on which she slept. She was very happy and went to play with him.
Жила была свинка по имени Бэтти. У неё быо лучший друг Тэдди. Тэдди - это её мишка. Она всегда ходила с ним, и никогда не расставалась. Но однажды, Бэтти потеряла свою игрушку. Она очень сильно расстроилась, но это не подавало виду, она пошла его искать. Бэтти как отважный супер герой отправилась на поиски. Свинка расспрашивала всех, но все отвечали: Мы не знаем. Вскоре Бэтти сильно расстроилась, заплакала. Но вдруг, она нашла своего мишутку под подушкой на которой она спала. Она очень обрадовалась, и пошла вместе с ним играть.