Sam baked a big cake. Raisat found her car keys. I bought this book yesterday. He will give piano lessons. I worked in office yesterday.
I get up at 6 in the morning and drive to the office. She speaks English and Spanish. They play football every day. We do exercises every morning. What time do you get up?
Don’t speak to the bus driver. In England, crossing the street, the pedestrians must look first to the right and then to the left. You cannot park here. Parking place is around the corner. Stop at the traffic lights! When the green light turns on, cross the street and turn to the left to the bus stop. Is it allowed a right turn here? -Look at the sign: You can drive only straight. -Excuse me how can I get to the underground station? - Go straight to the traffic lights, cross the street and turn to the right. - Is it far? – No, it isn’t. It’s about 5 minutes of walking. - Thank you – You are welcome. Be careful when you are crossing the road. When you reach the pedestrian crossing, stop and look both ways
Заполните тест с театром слова. А че... это место, где они выполняют п...ы, и АС... наблюдает за ними. Самые ранние го...ы мы знаем о появился в Греции, где любителей театра пользовались д... в виде т... ы и п...ы. Греко-й...ы были похожи на больших стадионах под открытым небом, но они были настолько хороши, что каждый может увидеть и услышать п... ков хорошо. Роман го...ы, очень походила на греческий-го...ов. Римляне построили а че... почти каждый крупный город в стране. Мы до сих пор помним некоторые из греческих и римских д...ы и смотреть их в современных му...ов. Ну я слова только не вставил
Raisat found her car keys.
I bought this book yesterday.
He will give piano lessons.
I worked in office yesterday.
I get up at 6 in the morning and drive to the office.
She speaks English and Spanish.
They play football every day.
We do exercises every morning.
What time do you get up?