1) Computer is made of electronic components so it is referred to as electronic device. - ДА - Computer is a device for processing information.
2) Computer has no intelligence until software is loaded. - ДА - Computer has no intelligence by it self and is called hardware.
3) There are four elements of computer system: hardware, software, diskettes and data. - НЕТ - A computer system is a combination of four elements:/information
4) Without software instructions hardware doesn't know what to do. - ДА - Without software instructions, the hardware doesn't know what to do.
5) The software is the most important component because it is made by people. - в тексте об этом не говорится
6) The user inputs data into computer to get information as an output. - ДА - After that they perform various mathematical and logical operations, and then give the results (information). Computer is used to convert data into information.
1) She didn't follow the advice she had been given.
Она не последовала совету, который ей дали.
2) He wondered why the letter had been sent without a starp.
Он поинтересовался, почему письмо было отправлено без марки (скорее всего опечатка в слове starp и имелось ввиду stamp - марка).
3) He was told that the museum had been closed a week before.
Ему сказали, что музей закрыли неделю назад.
4) I wanted to help but I saw that the table had already been laid.
Я хотел но увидел, что стол уже накрыт.
5) I was very angry that my name and address had not been given her.
Я был очень зол, что ей не дали (в смысле не сообщили) мое имя и адрес.
6) She didn't want to speak to me. I realized that she had already been
told about my decision.
Она не хотела со мной разговаривать. Я понял, что ей уже рассказали о моем решении.
7) I understood the rule after it had been explained to me twice.
Я понял правило после того, как мне дважды его объяснили.