New Year's Eve is the most wonderful night of the year. Millions of people of different nationalities, on different continents, do not sleep this night, as usual, but celebrate this magical transition from one year to another.Attributes of New Year's EveIn many windows, despite the fact that it is already midnight, the lights are on, the garlands are flashing. In houses and apartments there are dressed up Christmas trees with balls of different shades, champagne is pouring and festive tables are set. On TV there is a variety of concerts for every taste and age. This night, children are not forced to go to bed, but give them gifts, is not it magic?Everyone is preparing for the New Year's Eve in his own way. Someone is preparing a festive table, someone is mining and decorating a tree, and someone is writing a message to Santa Claus. In any case, everyone waits for magic and a miracle at midnight. Congratulation of the President on TV, the battle of the chimes, making wishes and exchanging greetings and gifts are invariable attributes of this night.New Year's Eve in my lifeNew Year is one of my favorite holidays. I am always tremblingly waiting for this night, when the new year is replaced by the old one. Wherever I am, when two arrows compare to the number 12, my heart freezes, I make a wish with the hope that it will necessarily come true. And how is it different? It's a magical night. And it does not matter how old I am, I believe in a miracle. With the battle of the chimes, I leave my problems and failures in the outgoing year and pin my hopes on the coming year.Mandarins, olivier and champagne on the table, a decorated house and a decorated Christmas tree, fireworks in the sky and Bengal lights in the apartment - these are my associations with New Year's Eve. And also my very own people close by. I always try to spend this holiday with my family. We exchange gifts, have fun and together make plans for the next year. After all, it will necessarily be better than the previous one.
As long as species have been evolving, species have been going extinct. It is estimated that over 99% of all species that ever lived have gone extinct.Nowadays many animals are facing extinction such as Siberian (Amur) Tiger, Loggerhead Turtle, Northern Bald Ibis, Lion-Tailed Macaque, Mandarin Duck, Mountain Gorilla, Jackass Penguin, Blue Whale, Komodo Dragon, Golden Lion Tamarin, Californian Condor.Some people may ask “Why bother with conservation?” We now realize that it is important to maintain the planet’s biodiversity, the variety of animal and plant life, abundance and wild habitats.The more species disappear, the more entire eco-systems become defenseless and would eventually fall apart as the links in the food chain become broken. For example, certain animals only eat certain plants and those plants may need that animal to pollinate it or spread its seed. Without one, the other is also likely to die out.People all over the world are working to help some endangered animals from extinction. There are conservation organisations which try to make people aware of the problems facing wild animals. Some of the ways in which they are being saved include habitat protection, captive breeding, setting up nature reserves and parks and using alternative products in place of products from rare animals.Today, the problem of extinction is one of the most important. I think the first step towards saving animals is to learn as much as possible about them. If we know where and how they live, and what they need to survive, then it will be easier to help them.
На английском языке Перевод на русский язык Future Of Our Planet Будущее нашей планеты The future of our planet is vague. At the same there are many down-to-earth predictions, which seem to work. At the moment we live in the new era - the 21st century. Many centuries before people have lived in harmony with nature and its riches. Today, we are facing lots of global problems, which should be approached seriously. Otherwise, our planet can turn into an uninhabited space. Most of these problems are the result of technological progress and rapid scientific development. On the one hand, it’s good to have modern advances, such as newer computers, house robots, and office equipment. On the other hand, to launch and maintain all these machines, we need lots of natural resources. Besides, the growing number of plants is extremely harmful for the surrounding nature. As I see the future of our planet, we’ll have an over-polluted environment. That’s why we’ll have to spend most of the time locked in our flats and houses. These are my personal speculations, which might be right or wrong. I see lots of mighty skyscrapers in the future. They will be equipped with all the necessary facilities, for example, with grocery stores, kindergartens and schools, fitness centers and hairdressing saloons. They will remind a city of full value in one building. Speaking about transport, I think that with such technological progress we will soon have flying cars and taxis, which will pick up the passengers from their own flats. Moreover, I think that vehicles will be computerized and self-operated, which will leave the drivers unemployed. There will be lots of new professions in the future, for example, a telesurgeon, a robot counselor, a space tourist guide, a cloning regulator etc. It sounds bizarre, but this can be our nearest future, and we should think about it today. Будущее нашей планеты немного расплывчато. В то же время есть много реалистичных прогнозов, которые сбываются. На данный момент мы живем в новой эре - 21-м веке. Много веков назад люди жили в гармонии с природой и ее богатствами. Сегодня мы сталкиваемся со многими глобальными проблемами, к которым нужно подходить серьезно. В противном случае, наша планета может превратиться в необитаемое пространство. Большинство из этих проблем являются результатом технического прогресса и быстрого развития науки. С одной стороны, современные достижения, такие как новейшие компьютеры, домашние роботы и офисная оргтехника, это хорошо. С другой стороны, для создания и поддержания всех этих машин требуется много природных ресурсов. Помимо этого, возрастающее число заводов чрезвычайно вредно для окружающей природы. Я вижу, что в будущем наша планета станет загрязненной. Вот почему мы будем проводить большую часть времени в своих квартирах и домах. Это мои личные догадки, которые могут быть правильными или нет. Я вижу в будущем множество могучих небоскребов. Они будут оснащены всеми необходимыми удобствами, например, продуктовыми магазинами, детскими садами и школами, фитнес-центрами и парикмахерскими. Они будут напоминать полноценный город в одном здании. Говоря о транспорте, я думаю, что с таким техническим прогрессом у нас скоро будут летающие автомобили и такси, которые будут забирать пассажиров из собственных квартир. Более того, я думаю, что транспортные средства будут компьютеризированы и самоуправляемы, что оставит водителей без работы. В будущем будет много новых профессий, таких как удаленный хирург, советник по роботам, космический гид, регулятор клонирование и т.д. Возможно, это звучит странно, но это может быть наше ближайшее будущее, и мы должны подумать об этом сегодня.