Dress code - a form of clothing required when attending certain events, organizations, institutions.The concept of a dress code first appeared in England (to be precise, in London) more than 100 years ago. Translated from English, it means "dress code, the encrypted language of the costume that any educated person can solve." Over the XX century, this concept has noticeably changed.The term "dress code" originally originated in the UK, but quickly spread throughout the world. It is used to indicate the regulation in clothes, which shows a person’s belonging to a certain professional group. The company's dress code is considered a continuation of the corporate culture of the company and an important part of its brand. It is alleged that the appropriate appearance of the employee plays an important role in trusting the client to the company as a whole, demonstrates the state of affairs in the company, and shows respect for business partners and customers. Requirements for employee clothing can be specified in detail in the labor contract, sanctions may be provided for violations.
after Jeanette Cook
For many years most women worked only at home. Their job was to cook food and clean house and take care of children. But in the late 1800s, a few women started looking for work outside the home. This made many people angry. One day a Pittsburgh newspaper had a 'story that said that a woman should work only at home. Many people who read it wrote letters to the editor. Most of them agreed with the story. But one well-written letter did not agree. It said that because America did not use the minds of its women, it was not as strong as it could be. The name at the end of the letter was E. Cochrane.
Ирина Яровая. Инициатор закона о миссионерской деятельности РФ в 2016 году (закон Яровой)В меньшей степени известно о статьях закона, которые затрагивают изменения в религиозном законодательстве страныи непосредственно касаются повседневной жизни верующих и религиозных организаций. В отличие от других законодательных актов и проектов, таких как закон «О свободе совести и о религиозных объединениях» или введение курсов основ православной культуры, этот закон не получил общественного рассмотрения, и информация о его существовании стала известна совсем недавно.
Глава Комитета по делам общественных объединений и религиозных организаций, представитель ЛДПР Ярослав Нилов в беседе с «Газетой.Ru» сообщил, что «пакет Яровой» был принят без консультаций с его комитетом, что привело к печальным результатам. По его словам, как только поправки поступили в Госдуму, представители традиционных конфессий России начали бить тревогу и обращаться в комитет, пытаясь выяснить, что произошло.