It seems to me that it is worth keeping the animal at home. Although it is necessary for him to care, often walk, feed, and so on. Here I have a dog and every day I enjoy the fact that I have it. When I am thorny and I have a bad mood, it comes and lick me. And it is clear that the dog feels something. Although he can not talk, but he will do everything in his power to support you. I get great pleasure when I walk with him. When I throw a ball or stick at him and he brings it to you. Well, or you have to take it away from him, cheerfully running after him. It seems to me that animals are made not for someone else, but for everyone. That is, the animals should be like animals, who after the robots come tired, they feed the animal and let the child go for a walk. Using the example of a dog, it’s never scary to go outside with a dog, because the dog will always protect its owner.
2. I bring only 7 candy to my house
3. She is always read books before sleeping
4. They are often drink coffee
5. We didn't visit our grandparents yesterday
6. I invited all my friends to my Birthday
7. My sister wrote a letter to our relations last week
1. Мой друг сломал свою ногу 3 дня назад
2. Я принесла только 7 конфет домой
3. Она всегда читает книги перед сном
4. Они часто пьют кофе
5. Мы не посещали своих бабушку и дедушку вчера
6. Я пригласила всех своих друзей на мой День Рождения
7. Моя сестра писала письмо нашим родственникам на неделе