A) Misha says that the house of school is ruin. There are no central heating. He has to wear a stupid uniform there. There are 9 lessons every day. d) Misha says that his teachers are very strict. e) Misha says that they can choose some optional subjects, but Maths, English, English Literature, one foreign language, Religious Education, IT, DT, one subject from the arts and one subject from the sciences are compulsory. c) About his classmates Misha says that they are nice and polite only when the teachers is nearby. But they really cheeky. f) About shool punishments Misha says that he had to to stay in Mrs Nasty's room after school and do lines.
My house lives a cat. Her name Murzik. I love hanging out with her. I care about it: feed it, play with it. My cat loves to play with me. When I have a bad mood, she puts me in it, thus playing with me. My cat has a rubber ball with whom she loves to play. My cat is very energetic and carefree. I love her very much. У меня дома живёт кошка. Её имя Мурзик. Я очень люблю гулять с ней. Я о ней забочусь: кормлю её, играю с ней. Моя кошка тоже любит играть со мной. Когда у меня бывает плохое настроение она поднимает мне его, тем самым играя со мной. У моей кошки есть резиновый мячик с которым она очень любит играть. Моя кошка очень энергичная и беззаботная. Я очень её люблю.