Good afternoon. My name is (...) and today I want to tell you about my wardrobe. There are about 654 clothes in my wardrobe! I dress in the mood, when I’m in a positive mood, I put on my yellow dress with beautiful patterns! When I'm sad, I put on a black T-shirt with the inscription "sadness" and dark jeans. My favorite clothes are a white T-shirt with star patterns, light jeans and beautiful sneakers with a beautiful pattern! I love to wear different diamonds necklaces. I wear such necklaces on holidays! For the holidays I wear a dark shiny dress and dark shoes! For my birthday I wear different clothes. And so I told you about my wardrobe.
Добрый день. Меня зовут (...) и я сегодня хочу вам рассказать о моем гардеробе. В моем гардеробе около 654 одежды! Одеваюсь я по настроению, когда я полна позитива я одеваю своё желтое платье с красивыми узорами! Когда мне грустно я одеваю черную футболку с надписью "грусть" и темные джинсы. Моя самая любимая одежда это белая футболка с узорами звезд, светлые джинсы и к ним красивые кроссовки с красивым узором! Я люблю одевать разные ожерелья из дорогих бриллиантов. Я одеваю такие ожерелья по праздникам! На праздники я одеваю темное блестящее платье и темные туфли! На день рождения я одеваю разную одежду. И так я рассказала вам о своем гардеробе.
Буду рад если
Если тебе понравился мой ответ отметь этот ответ как самый лучший! А я буду тебе очень благодарен)))
1. The universities, which were founded between 1850 and 1930, including London University, are known as redbrick universities. They were called so because that was the favourable building material of the time. 2. the London School of Economics and Political Science, the Imperial College of Science and Technology, the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, the School of Oriental and African Studies, the School of Architecture. 3. Whereas colleges within a university teach all subjects, and schools – a group of subjects, these institutes specialize more narrowly, and are often more occupied with research than teaching undergraduates. 4. Most of the redbrick universities founded in the nineteenth century are scattered throughout the country and are to be found in Birmingham, Bristol, Exeter, Hull, Leeds, Manchester, Liverpool, Nottingham, Sheffield, Southampton and some others. 5. The redbrick universities organize their academic work in a va-riety of ways. Subjects are taught in individual departments which are in turn grouped into faculties covering the main subject grouping, like arts, science, engineering, social science. 6. The “new universities” were all founded after the Second World War. They are Keele Uni-versity (in Staffordshire), the universities of East Anglia, Essex, Kent, Lancaster, Sussex, Warwick, York.
My favourite domestic animal is a Kitten. Its name is Mila
It was afternoon and the streets were empty as I was going back home after school 5 week ago. Suddenly I heard some noise under the nearest tree. I came up to the tree and saw a small kitten! He was clean and so pretty that I couldn't help smiling. Of couгse, I took this little miracle with me.
Now my kitten is very plump and friendly . Its head isn’t big. Its neck is short. Its paws are small. Its eyes are black and clever. Its ears are small.
My kitten likes to eat especially milk and bread. Most of all Mila likes to sleep and play. It's very funny and playfull. We play every evening. I like my Mila very much. I think kitten are very careful and clever.
Good afternoon. My name is (...) and today I want to tell you about my wardrobe. There are about 654 clothes in my wardrobe! I dress in the mood, when I’m in a positive mood, I put on my yellow dress with beautiful patterns! When I'm sad, I put on a black T-shirt with the inscription "sadness" and dark jeans. My favorite clothes are a white T-shirt with star patterns, light jeans and beautiful sneakers with a beautiful pattern! I love to wear different diamonds necklaces. I wear such necklaces on holidays! For the holidays I wear a dark shiny dress and dark shoes! For my birthday I wear different clothes. And so I told you about my wardrobe.
Добрый день. Меня зовут (...) и я сегодня хочу вам рассказать о моем гардеробе. В моем гардеробе около 654 одежды! Одеваюсь я по настроению, когда я полна позитива я одеваю своё желтое платье с красивыми узорами! Когда мне грустно я одеваю черную футболку с надписью "грусть" и темные джинсы. Моя самая любимая одежда это белая футболка с узорами звезд, светлые джинсы и к ним красивые кроссовки с красивым узором! Я люблю одевать разные ожерелья из дорогих бриллиантов. Я одеваю такие ожерелья по праздникам! На праздники я одеваю темное блестящее платье и темные туфли! На день рождения я одеваю разную одежду. И так я рассказала вам о своем гардеробе.
Буду рад если
Если тебе понравился мой ответ отметь этот ответ как самый лучший! А я буду тебе очень благодарен)))