1. Julia is a very beautiful girl. She is good. I couldn't speak to the most ordinary girl in the class, and I wondered, how am I going to speak to the coolest girl? All the same, he decided to become brave. The conversation began: - Hi Julia heh - Oh, Hi Maxim. -You look wonderful! Like a model! At this time I was embarrassed for ... - Oh thanks, you look great too. I want to say I like you and you are very cute! - Wow! thanks, I like you too, I also wanted to say this, but I was too shy to tell you, you are a beautiful kind person!, I also wanted to say this, but I was too shy to tell you, you are a beautiful kind person! So Julia and I began to be together, a wonderful couple
Перевод:Я сегодня на литературе писала Сочинение-миниатюра на тему "Первый снег".