1. Mary doesn't have enough courage to confront Tom directly.
У Мэри не хватает смелости противостоять Тому открыто.
2. I was confronted with many difficulties.
Я столкнулся со множеством трудностей.
3. We will confront the rules that pose threats.
Мы будем противостоять правилам, которые представляют угрозы.
4. Robert did not like human beings. He knew how to confront them when necessary.
Роберт не любил людей и, когда нужно, умел им противостоять.
5. I had to face it, confront it.
Я должна была противостоятьэтому.
6. I confront adversity.
Я столкнулся сбедствиями.
Travelling has become a popular hobby today and millions of people try to leave their homeland at least once a year or two to see and explore new places they have always dreamed of. Big Ben, the Eiffel Tower, the Colosseum, The Taj Mahal and many other famous monuments we see in magazines and books are now accessible to everyone. The only thing you need to do is to have an external passport, a visa and a pair of flight tickets. However, travelling can be different from what the majority expects it to be. It doesn’t involve only planes, trains, ships, hotels, monuments, restaurants, etc. Nowadays, travelling can be more extreme and cheap at the same time. Hitchhiking is becoming popular mainly among young people. Hitchhiking means travelling with the help of other people you have never met. You just have to stand at the edge of a road, facing traffic, with the thumb upwards. In this way, you travel meeting more and more people that help to reach your destination. However, hitchhiking is much more challenging than any other way of travelling. You should be tough and well-prepared. You should be ready to walk a lot, to use a map, to organise your trip well bringing enough food and arranging sleeping places. And finally, if you hitchhike, you must be very careful, because people who agree to pick you up are not all friendly and faithful. If you bear in mind all these things, you will definitely have an unbelievable trip.
2. What did Tanya when she was eighteen years old? (Что сделала Таня, когда ей было девятнадцать?)
3. What Crhistians were forced to do? (Что христиан заставляли делать?)
4. Where was Tanya taken after she was captured? (Куда повезли Таню после того, как ее схватили?)
5. What did Tanya all the time on the way to temple? (Что делала Таня всю дорогу в храм?)
6. What happened when Tanya was praying? (Что случилось, когда Таня молилась?)
7. What Tanya's offenders did when the temple was destroyed? (Что сделали обидчики Тани после того, как храм был разрушен?)
8. What flowed from Tanya's wounds? (Что текло из ран Тани?)
9. What happened at Diana's temple when Tanya began to pray again? (Что случилось в храме Дианы, когда Таня начала снова молиться?)
10. What happened to Tanya after the events? (Что случилось с Таней после этих событий?)