Every person needs some free time, be it a kid or an adult. Most schoolchildren and employees usually rest at weekend. This is the best time for relaxing and doing what you like. Evenings of weekdays also offer some free time.
When I get back from school, I eat something quick and do my homework. After that I’m free to meet up with friends, to play computer games or to draw, which is my hobby. Sometimes, I play volleyball or other active games with my friends at the school playground. In summertime I also like playing ping-pong and I’m rather good at it. Weekends are a bit different.
My parents usually give me some pocket money each week. I try to spend them reasonably. During the week I pay for lunch at the school canteen. Sometimes I need to buy some stationery.
At weekends I go out with my friends. Sometimes we go to the cinema, sometimes to the pizza place. However, my favourite pastime at weekends is bowling. I like this game. I think it is not only entertaining but also social. Bowling unites like-minded people and gives a chance to communicate with good friends, instead of sitting in front of the computer.
I don’t mind computer games, but they can get addictive and certainly spending long hours in front of the screen is not healthy. It influences eyesight and brain activity. I keep in touch with some friends through social networks or chats, but I understand that real life communication is much better. Apart from seeing friends, I spend my free time with my family members and relatives, especially on special occasions. On birthdays, anniversaries, public holidays we have family gatherings at my grandma’s place.
Brazilian carnival (port. Carnaval do Brasil) is an annual festival in Brazil, which is held for forty days before Easter and notes the beginning of the Great Post. During the Great Post, Roman Catholics should abstain from all bodily pleasures, in particular - from consumption of meat. Carnival, which is believed to be comes from pagan saturnal, can be considered acts of farewell with meat pleasures. The Brazilian carnival is the largest folk country holiday and has some differences from carnivals both in Europe and in other countries of Latin America. In addition, there are regional variations of carnival in the Brazil. Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, according to the booklet, RAO participated in 4.8 million, of which 400 thousand were tourists
Бразильский карнавал (порт. Carnaval do Brasil) — ежегодный фестиваль в Бразилии, который проводится за сорок дней до Пасхи и отмечает начало Великого поста. В течение Великого поста римо-католики должны воздержаться от всех телесных удовольствий, в частности — от потребления мяса. Карнавал, который, как считается, происходит от языческих сатурналий, может считаться актом прощания с мясными удовольствиями.
Бразильский карнавал является крупнейшим народным праздником страны и имеет некоторые отличия от карнавалов как в Европе, так и в других странах Латинской Америки. Кроме того, существуют региональные вариации карнавала в самой Бразилии. Карнавал в Рио-де-Жанейро, согласно книгеле в Рио участвовали 4.9 млн человек, из которых 400 тыс. были туристами
1. unknown - famous
2. part - the whole
3. short - long
4. small - tall
5. short - huge