Put the words into the correct order to make questions 1./ you/what/are/doing? 2./cooking/are/you/what/? 3./tonight/where/you/going/are? 4./playing/we//tennis/what time/are? 5./crying/girl/why/is/this? 6./dinner/are/they/for/coming/when ? 34
Перевод 1.где находится великобритания? 2.как вы думаете, почему великобритания называется "островное государство"? 3.какая другая страна расположена на британских островах? 4.на каких языках говорят в , уэльсе, шотландии и северной ирландии? 5.сколько людей живет в британии? 6.что такое юнион джек? воды ты знаешь об этом ? ответы1.the uk is in england 2.because it's united kingdom 3.the uk and ireland 4.the native language of the scots - scottish, valisia - walisische, igantzi - gaelic (irish) . 5.today in britain, 9 million lives 6.union jack the official name of the uk flag
1. Because this country is situated on the island. 2. Originally flag is used only to the sea as military and commercial ships of both countries. on may 5, 1634 year it was prescribed use only the military courts as гюйса (here and his обиходное the name of the «Union Jack» in the English - nasal flag ship or aircraft), while the trade court were to raise the flags of st. George (british) or st. Andrew (scottish). The ground forces continued to use the banners of their countries. In Scotland had some distribution of national option flag, in which the white cross st. Andrew was over the red English cross.
2)What you are eating
3)Who John is phoning
4)Where your are going mum and dad
5)What Nina is reading