Task 1.
1. The weather in Britain is said to be changeable.
2. The Black Sea is situated in the southern part of Russia.
3. When necessary, he can be as hard as nails.
4. St Petersburg is in the northwestern part of the Russian Federation.
5. Hague is the seat of government and administrative centre of the Netherlands.
Task 2.
1. She required that everyone should attend the meeting.
2. The hospitals are overcrowded nowadays.
3. It is convenient for him to begin the work today.
4. He was scared shitless. He knew I wanted to kill him and started screaming for help.
5. I swear by the name of God that what I say is true.
6. The facility with which young people acquire knowledge fills, but does not fructify the mind.
7. She felt she should give her son the benefit of her experience and knowledge.
8. This area has been designated by UNESCO as World Heritage Site.
9. Everyone should adopt universal intellectual values.
10. I gave him all the information but I didn't encourage his decision.
11. Take my word for it... English society is as dead as the dodo.
12. ‘...I saw the Monster's head.’ - ‘Weren't you terribly thrilled?’ - ‘Not a bit. I was as cool as a cucumber.’
13. We must call for a ban on nuclear weapons.
14. Most people will recoil (отскочит) from a poisonous snake.
15. If you tell your mother I spilled ink on her rug, my name will be mud.
16. Only 0.1% of the city waste is actually recycled.
17. Acid rain poisons fish and corrodes buildings.
18. After the war there were shortages of food and consumer goods.
19. Three of the more important peaks had been conquered.
20. He was determined to wreak his revenge on the girl who had rejected him.
21. You should get rid of this terrible habit!
22. I was a witness to one of the most amazing events in history.
23. A long high sea wave caused by an earthquake, submarine landslide, or other disturbance is called tsunami.
24. Farmers complain that the drought could crimp (помешать) their income potential.
25. They expressed a wish to visit the museum.
26. The drive takes you through some wonderful scenery.
27. You have to cut down the tree and saw it up into logs (брёвна).
28. Last night's severe snowstorm cut off three villages.
29. May I cut out the article about my performance?
30. Please cut up the meat for the dog as his teeth are bad now.
перевод:1. Тексты, переведенные студентами, были не очень сложными. 2. При переводе некоторых новых текстов он обычно выписывал все новые слова. 3. В переводе на русский язык эта статья будет иметь для меня большое значение. 4. Текст, который переводят студенты, не очень сложен. 5. После того как письмо было написано,его нужно было отправить вечером. 6. Сдав экзамен, он присоединился к группе студентов, стоявших в коридоре. 7. Инженеры, приглашенные на наш завод, - это известные специалисты. 8. Будучи приглашенным слишком поздно, его друг не смог прийти. 9. Лекция, за которой последовал эксперимент, была очень интересной. 10. Когда его спросили, студент ответил очень хорошо. 11. Лед тает при нагревании. 12. Решив эту важную проблему, ученый выступил с докладом
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