Shrovetide is an East Slavic traditional holiday celebrated a few weeks before Lent. In the folk calendar of the Eastern Slavs, the holiday marks the border of winter and spring, as well as a predator and Lent. Carnival counterpart in European countries. Shrovetide is akin to Fat Tuesday and meat and pasta among Catholics. In the calendar of the Russian Orthodox Church, this period is called Cheese Week. The names Meat and Empty Meat and Cheese Week in Russia were used only on the calendar as “church”.
Shrovetide Day changes every year depending on the date of the celebration of Easter. The traditional attributes of the celebration of Maslenitsa are the stuffed carnival, sledding, celebrations; Russians have pancakes and tortillas, while Belarusians and Ukrainians have dumplings, cheesecakes and a piece.
Hello, today I gonna tell you about my great family. it is not very big but it's better for me. I have a mother, father, brother and the cat. My dad is good man I think, but not enought rich. My mother is beautiful and has a good personality she loves me a lot. Also I take care of little pussy Jeremy, I love him so much. My brother Dima such a freak he always sitting In his own room and doing nothing, when he leaves his room he starts teasing me, I hate him. We yall living in a big mansion with a huge pool, and a chocolate fountain.
Есть много вариантов. Все эти слова относятся к ОДЕЖДЕ. Но ремень- это скорее аксессуар. Я думаю,лишнее слово belt.