Пётр I Алексе́евич, прозванный Вели́кий(30 мая [9 июня] 1672 год — 28 января[8 февраля] 1725 год) — последний царьвсея Руси (с 1682 года) и первыйИмператор Всероссийский (с 1721 года).
Как представитель династии Романовых, Пётр был провозглашён царём в 10-летнем возрасте, стал править самостоятельно с 1689 года. Формальным соправителем Петра был его брат Иван(до своей смерти в 1696 году).
С юных лет проявляя интерес к наукам и заграничному образу жизни, Пётр первым из русских царей совершил длительноепутешествие в страны Западной Европы. По возвращении из него, в 1698 году, Пётр развернул масштабные реформыроссийского государства и общественного уклада. Одним из главных достижений Петра стало решение поставленной в XVI веке задачи: расширение территорий России в Прибалтийском регионе после победы в Великой Северной войне, что позволило ему принять в 1721 году титулроссийского императора.
В исторической науке и в общественном мнении с конца XVIII века по настоящее время присутствуют диаметрально противоположные оценки как личности Петра I, так и его роли в истории России. В официальной российской историографии Петра было принято считать одним из наиболее выдающихся государственных деятелей, определившим направление развития России в XVIII веке. Однако многие историки, в том числе Н. М. Карамзин,В. О. Ключевский, П. Н. Милюков и другие, высказывали резко критические оценки. Peter I Alekseevich, nicknamed the Great(may 30 [9 June] 1672 — 28 January[February 8] in 1725) — the last of caribsea Russia (1682) and parfyumerii all-Russia (since 1721).
As the representative of the Romanov dynasty, Peter was proclaimed Tsar at the age of 10, began to rule independently from 1689. Formal co-Regent of Peter was his brother, Ivan(until his death in 1696).
From a young age showing an interest in the Sciences and foreign way of life, Peter was the first of the Russian tsars made dlitelnosti in the countries of Western Europe. Upon returning from it, in 1698, Peter launched a large-scale reformatorische the state and the social order. One of the main achievements of Peter was the solution to set in the XVI century challenges: the expansion of Russian territories in the Baltic region after the victory in the great Northern war, which allowed him to take in 1721 mitorosecho of the Emperor.
In historical science and in public opinion since the end of XVIII century up to the present time, there are diametrically opposed assessments as of the personality of Peter I and his role in the history of Russia. In the official Russian historiography of Peter was considered to be one of the most prominent public figures that determined the direction of Russia's development in the eighteenth century. However, many historians, including N. M. Karamzin,V. O. Kliuchevskii, And P. N. Milyukov and others, have expressed sharply critical assessment.
I put the baby to sleep, and he says to me: "Dad, check monsters under the bed". Look under the bed, to calm him down, and see my child who looks at me with horror and trembling voice he said, "Daddy, there's someone else in my bed". I woke up due to the fact that he heard a knock on the glass. At first I thought that someone was knocking on my window, but then he heard a knock again... in the mirror. Smiling face stared at me from the darkness behind my bedroom window. I live on the 14th floor. Mom called me into the kitchen, but on the way there, I heard mom whispers from the other room: "don't go there, I also heard". In the morning I found on my phone the picture yourself sleeping. I live one. I just saw my reflection in the mirror winks at me. Wife woke me up to say that in our house uninvited guest. But she was killed two years ago. "I can't sleep, " she whispered, climbingwith me in bed. I woke up in a cold sweat, grabbing the dress in which she was buried. The doctors told the patient that after the possible amputation phantom pain. But no one warned about how cold fingers amputated hands will beto scratch another. Can't move, breathe, speak, and hear around darkness all the time. If I knew it would be better if asked to cremate me. They celebrated the first successful cryogenic freezing. But the patient had no way to show them that he's still conscious. She couldn't understand why she casts two shadows. Because the room had only one lamp. Earn today until late. See a person who looks directly into the camera near the ceiling. Mannequins left wrapped in bubble wrap. Hear from another room, as someone began to pop. You woke up. And she's not. She asked me why I sighed. But I did not sigh. You come home after a long day of work and dream to rest alone. Looking for hand switch, but I feel someone's hand. You started to fall asleep strong restful sleep, when suddenly I heard someone whisper your name. You live alone. I usually kissed his wife and daughter before bedtime. I woke up in a room with soft walls, and the doctors said it all I had. Falling asleep, you pulled one leg out from under the blankets. Someone immediately grabbed you for it. I saw a beautiful dream, until I woke up from the sounds, as if someone knocks with a hammer. After I heard only as the clods fall on the coffin lid, drowning out my cries. The last man on Earth sat in a room. A knock at the door. Frederick Brown. "The shortest scary story ever written" Come home, mom from the kitchen shouting, "Come to dinner", here comes a SMS from my mom: "I'll be late, razora something". I never go to sleep, but every time I Wake up. I used to think that my cat vision problems: she can't focus eyes when he looks at me. Until I realized that she always looks at something behind me.
Как представитель династии Романовых, Пётр был провозглашён царём в 10-летнем возрасте, стал править самостоятельно с 1689 года. Формальным соправителем Петра был его брат Иван(до своей смерти в 1696 году).
С юных лет проявляя интерес к наукам и заграничному образу жизни, Пётр первым из русских царей совершил длительноепутешествие в страны Западной Европы. По возвращении из него, в 1698 году, Пётр развернул масштабные реформыроссийского государства и общественного уклада. Одним из главных достижений Петра стало решение поставленной в XVI веке задачи: расширение территорий России в Прибалтийском регионе после победы в Великой Северной войне, что позволило ему принять в 1721 году титулроссийского императора.
В исторической науке и в общественном мнении с конца XVIII века по настоящее время присутствуют диаметрально противоположные оценки как личности Петра I, так и его роли в истории России. В официальной российской историографии Петра было принято считать одним из наиболее выдающихся государственных деятелей, определившим направление развития России в XVIII веке. Однако многие историки, в том числе Н. М. Карамзин,В. О. Ключевский, П. Н. Милюков и другие, высказывали резко критические оценки. Peter I Alekseevich, nicknamed the Great(may 30 [9 June] 1672 — 28 January[February 8] in 1725) — the last of caribsea Russia (1682) and parfyumerii all-Russia (since 1721).
As the representative of the Romanov dynasty, Peter was proclaimed Tsar at the age of 10, began to rule independently from 1689. Formal co-Regent of Peter was his brother, Ivan(until his death in 1696).
From a young age showing an interest in the Sciences and foreign way of life, Peter was the first of the Russian tsars made dlitelnosti in the countries of Western Europe. Upon returning from it, in 1698, Peter launched a large-scale reformatorische the state and the social order. One of the main achievements of Peter was the solution to set in the XVI century challenges: the expansion of Russian territories in the Baltic region after the victory in the great Northern war, which allowed him to take in 1721 mitorosecho of the Emperor.
In historical science and in public opinion since the end of XVIII century up to the present time, there are diametrically opposed assessments as of the personality of Peter I and his role in the history of Russia. In the official Russian historiography of Peter was considered to be one of the most prominent public figures that determined the direction of Russia's development in the eighteenth century. However, many historians, including N. M. Karamzin,V. O. Kliuchevskii, And P. N. Milyukov and others, have expressed sharply critical assessment.