Kate : we went to Paris last weekend on a school trip You : did you have a lovely time? Kate : Yes . we had a lovely time You : How did you get to Paris ? Kate : By ferry from Dover and then by train to Paris You : where you have settled? kate : in a small hotel you : was kate : not too bad . but i didn^t you : did you see ny sights? kate : yes we saw Notre - Damme . the lourve and the Eiffel Tower you : kate : yes i bought some chocolate cakes for Lucy but i was so hungry i ate them you : kate : it was so rough that lots of us were sick you : kate : no . sue and i weren^t sick because we stayed up on deck. там где остались многоточия я не знаю что писать,логики вообще 0
Почти правитьн вот правильный текст-Irkutsk the capital east Siberiaю One of theoldest cities in Russia. Him three hundred and fifty years. Irkutskis located on the banks of the Angara River, in sixty three kilometers from lake Baikaland a lot of tourists visit it every years. In theold part of the city there lots ofinteresting ancient buildings.You can visit art museum, the house-museumVolkonsky, icebreaker museum Angara.You can also visit musicala theater, theatre drama, opera and puppet theater. Tourists can see the Catholic Cathedralor Spasskaya church they very beautiful. There aresome fantastic restaurants in the Irkutsk. You can have lunch at one ofthe many cafes in the centre of thecity. Baikal is one of the oldest lakes in the world. The depth of the like is one thousand sixhundred thirty-seven metres. The water is fresh clean and clear. In the lake there are many fish: omul, harus, sturgeon, cig andseals. Tourists usually go to like Baikal. They can buy souvenirs and eat fish there. In Irkutskthere are more six hundredthousand people and third of people of different nationalities^ Russian, Buryats, TatarsPoles, Germans, and another. All thepeople are friendly, live and worktogether.