1 = это предложение сделано как пример ))
2 What time does the swimming-bath open?
3 How often does he write to his parents?
4 Why don’t you use your car very often? // Why don’t I use my car very often?
5 Do most pubs open and close twice a day?
6 What time does my // your sister start her day?
7 When does he work?
8 Who wears glasses?
9 Do you // I like football and tennis?
10 Does water boil at 100 degrees centigrade?
11 How many cigarettes a day does he smoke?
12 Where does the sun rise?
13 Why does little Kate go to bed early?
14 Where does your friend come from?
15 Do I see a dog or a cat at our door?
16 Which boys want to come with us?
17 How wide is the room?
18 Why don’t I like the wallpaper in my room?
19 Whose parents often go to the theatre?
20 Does Peter make a lot of mistakes?
(перевод)Марья Ивановна ругает Васю:- Петров, ты почему вчера не был в школе?!- Мне мама вчера штаны постирала.- Ну и что?- А я шел мимо дома и увидел, что Ваши висят. Думал, не придете.