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Картинка 2.
На английском
I went to the grocery store. I took a cart and went to get fruits and vegetables first. I bought apples, bananas, cucumbers, tomatoes and a few more fruits and vegetables. I also took bread, milk, kefir. I also took tea with cookies and sweets. I went to the cashier to pay, paid and collected food in bags. Gone home!
На русском
Я отправился в магазин за продуктами. Я взял тележку и для начала пошёл за фруктами и овощами. Я купил яблоки, бананы, огурцы, помидоры и еще несколько фруктов и овощей. Я взял также хлеб, молоко, кефир. Взял и чай с печеньками и конфетами. Пошёл на кассу расплатиться, расплатился собрал продукты в пакеты. Ушел домой!
2. There wasn't a bookshop in our village 20 years ago.
3. There were many wooden houses in our village 20 years ago.
4. There weren't any plants in our village 20 years ago.