On Manezhnaya square in Moscow, you can see such characters as
The Firebird, the little Mermaid, the old Man and the Goldfish, Emelya and the Pike, the Frog Princess.
The most popular sculpture is the figure of an Old Man and a Goldfish.
In addition to characters from fairy tales, there are also popular literary characters. For example: the Crane and the Fox (from the fable of I. A. Krylov).
На манежной площади в Москве можно увидеть таких персонажей, как
Жар-птица, Русалочка, Старик и Золотая рыбка, Емеля и Щука, Царевна Лягушка.
Самая популярная скульптура - это фигура Старика и Золотой рыбки.
Кроме персонажей из сказок там есть ещё и популярные литературные персонажи. Например: Журавль и Лисица из басни И.А. Крылова.
The symbol of Canada is the sugar maple, which grows in the Great lakes region and in Eastern America. The first written mentioning of maple leaf as a symbol dates back to 1760. In the late 1830s, the Baptist society of St. John in Quebec adopted a maple leaf as a symbol of this society. It was carried by the Canadians as a national symbol on the meeting with Prince of Wales, when he in 1860, first visited Canada. Officially maple leaf became a national symbol of Canada in 1965, since then it is depicted on the flag of the country.