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15.10.2020 15:21 •  Английский язык

Сделайте перевод! у царя была дочь невиданной красоты и необыкновенного ума. много женихов приходило просить её руки, но ни один из них не мог сравниться умом с царевной. и тогда царь объявил по всем землям, что выдаст дочь за того, кто загадает ей три загадки, которые она не сумеет разгадать. услышал пастух про необыкновенную царевну. «что за диво живёт в царских палатах? - подумал он. - а вдруг я перехитрю её и возьму себе в жёны? » сел пастух на коня и поехал во дворец. захотелось ему воды попить. остановился он у колодца, зачерпнул воды. пока пил, конь хлеб в торбе съел. «есть одна загадка», - подумал пастух и поехал дальше. в тёмном лесу сбился он с пути. чтобы дорогу найти, стал к деревьям присматриваться: с какой стороны мох растёт. увидел и подумал: «есть вторая загадка! » и поехал дальше. смотрит: охотник целится в зайца. «есть и третья загадка! » - обрадовался пастух много дней, пока добрался он до царского дворца. - приехал я, добрый царь, дочь у тебя сватать! - мою дочь? - удивился царь. - многие хотели жениться на ней, да ума-разума у них не хватило! - а я попробую! царевна даже не посмотрела на пастуха. - ну, загадывай свои загадки! - говорит. - первая загадка: хлеб съел коня. сколько ни гадала царевна, разгадать не могла. - не знаю! - говорит. - хлеб съел коня, царевна моя, это так: был у меня конь, я заслужил его за многие годы работы. раз съел он хлеб из моей торбы, а хлеб был отравленный. вот и погиб мой бедный конь - выходит, хлеб его съел. - а вот вторая загадка: глухие и слепые, а дорогу показывают. думала царевна, думала и опять не смогла разгадать. - это деревья, царевна, - ответил пастух. - мы в лесу по деревьям узнаём, где север, а где юг. - есть и третья загадка: мясо убежало, а железо осталось на месте. сколько ни ломала голову царевна, но и эту загадку разгадать не смогла. - охотник в зайца стрелял, - говорит пастух. - заяц убежал, а охотник с ружьём остался на месте. хотел царь или не хотел, но отдал дочь за простого парня, который был умнее знатных женихов. вот и сказке конец, а кто слушал молодец! , сделайте главное качественно

The tsar had a daughter of unparalleled beauty and extraordinary intelligence. Many grooms came to ask for her hands, but none of them could compare with the mind of the princess. And then the king announced in all lands that he would give his daughter for the one who puzzled her with three riddles that she would not be able to solve.

Heard the shepherd about the unusual princess. "What kind of miracle lives in the royal chambers? he thought. "What if I outsmart it and take it as my wife?"

The shepherd sat on his horse and went to the palace. He wanted to drink water. He stopped at the well, scooped up water. While drinking, the horse ate a loaf of bread. "There is one mystery," thought the shepherd and rode on.

In a dark forest he lost his way. To find the way, he began to look closely at the trees: from which side the moss grows. I saw and thought: "There is a second mystery!" And he went on. Looks: the hunter is aiming at the hare. "There is also the third riddle!" - the shepherd was delighted.

Many days passed before he reached the royal palace.

- I arrived, good king, you have a daughter to match!

"My daughter?" the king was surprised. "Many wanted to marry her, but they did not have the intelligence they needed!"

- And I'll try!

The princess did not even look at the shepherd.

"Well, make your own riddles!" - He speaks.

- The first riddle: the bread ate the horse.

No matter how much the princess wondered, she could not solve it.

- I do not know! - He speaks.

- Bread ate a horse, my princess, this is so: I had a horse, I deserved it for many years of work. Once he ate bread from my bag, and the bread was poisoned. So my poor horse died - it turns out that he ate his bread.

- And here is the second mystery: deaf and blind, and show the way. I thought the princess, I thought and again I could not solve it.

"These are trees, princess," answered the shepherd. - We in the woods on the trees know where the north, and where the south.

"There is a third mystery: the meat escaped, and the iron remained in place." No matter how much the princess puzzled, but this mystery is not solved

was able.

"The hunter was shooting at the hare," the shepherd says. - The hare ran away, and the hunter with the gun remained in place.

Whether the king wanted or did not want to, but gave his daughter for a simple guy who was smarter than noble bridegrooms. That's the end of the tale, and who listened to the fellow !, do the main thing qualitatively
4,8(60 оценок)
The tsar had a daughter of unparalleled beauty and extraordinary intelligence. Many grooms came to ask for her hands, but none of them could compare with the mind of the princess. And then the king announced in all lands that he would give his daughter for the one who puzzled her with three riddles that she would not be able to solve. Heard the shepherd about the unusual princess. "What kind of miracle lives in the royal chambers? he thought. "What if I outsmart it and take it as my wife?" The shepherd sat on his horse and went to the palace. He wanted to drink water. He stopped at the well, scooped up water. While drinking, the horse ate a loaf of bread. "There is one mystery," thought the shepherd and rode on.In a dark forest he lost his way. To find the way, he began to look closely at the trees: from which side the moss grows. I saw and thought: "There is a second mystery!" And he went on. Looks: the hunter is aiming at the hare. "There is also the third riddle!" - the shepherd was delighted.Many days passed before he reached the royal palace. - I arrived, good king, you have a daughter to match! "My daughter?" the king was surprised. "Many wanted to marry her, but they did not have the intelligence they needed!" - And I'll try! The princess did not even look at the shepherd. "Well, make your own riddles!" - He speaks. - The first riddle: the bread ate the horse. No matter how much the princess wondered, she could not solve it.- I do not know! - He speaks. - Bread ate a horse, my princess, this is so: I had a horse, I deserved it for many years of work. Once he ate bread from my bag, and the bread was poisoned. So my poor horse died - it turns out that he ate his bread. - And here is the second mystery: deaf and blind, and show the way. I thought the princess, I thought and again I could not solve it. "These are trees, princess," answered the shepherd. - We in the woods on the trees know where the north, and where the south.

"There is a third mystery: the meat escaped, and the iron remained in place." No matter how much the princess was racking her brains, she could not solve this riddle either. "The hunter was shooting at the hare," the shepherd says. - The hare ran away, and the hunter with the gun remained in place. Whether the king wanted or did not want to, but gave his daughter for a simple guy who was smarter than noble bridegrooms. That's the end of the tale, and who listened to the fellow !, do the main thing qualitatively
4,4(49 оценок)
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Самую необычную вещь котору я видела-Машина-фургон, в которой есть диван, телевизор и даже кухня.

Люди занимаются серфингом на море, во время бурных волн.

Моя мама на праздники накрывает стол


Белки имеют кустистые хвосты

Люди увлекающиеся разными сферами деятельности, читающими много книг называют любознательными

Да хорошо так как у тбя много друзей

Самые красивые животные это леопарды, они грациозные и быстрые

Люди могут сбежать отвсюду, если есть желание

Кустарники обычно растут в лесах. Это: боярышник, крыжовник, шиповник и волчья ягода


Надеюсь лучшее решение мне обеспечено


4,7(3 оценок)

My hero, Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.

Yuri Gagarin was the first cosmonaut in the world. Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin was born on the 9th of March, 1934. He was born in the village of Klushino in Smolensk region.

Yura was an active, brave and curious boy. His father helped his son when Yura made toy planes by hand. But the war began. Yuri Gagarin and his mother, father, brother and sister left their house and had to live in a dug-out. After the war Gagarin's family moved to Gzhatsk. Now it is the city of Gagarin. It was named after the first cosmonaut.

In 1951 Gagarin graduated from a vocational school in Lyubertsy near Moscow.

Yuri Gagarin attended an aeroclub and began to fly when he was a student of a technical secondary school in Saratov.

In 1955 he entered a school for pilots. Then he became a pilot and joined the first group of cosmonauts.

In 1960 Gagarin began to prepare for his flight into space.

On April 12,1961 Yuri Gagarin flew into space and spent 108 minutes there. It was the first time in history that the Russian spaceship "Vostok" with man on board was in space. After his flight he visited many countries and saw millions of people. Gagarin became a Hero of our country.

He died in 1968, but people always remember the first Russian cosmonaut.

4,7(6 оценок)
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