1 . — Who is this guy?" - This Is Dima. He's my friend. 2. — What does he do?" (Who is he?)- He is a student. 3. — Who are these people?" — They're our neighbors. — What do they do?" (Who are they?)- They are employees. 4. — Whose folder is this?" "It's mine. 5. — What kind of work is this?" — It's not bad. 6. — How old is your wife?" How old are your children? — You're not an inspector, are you?" 7. There are a lot of good traditions in England, aren't there? 8. — What kind of movie is this?" "It's a Comedy. 9. — Which of these disks is yours?" — They're all mine. 10. — How are you?" How's life? How are your parents? — I'm fine, thank you. 11. — Why are you so sad?" What's the matter? — I'm just hungry and sleepy." 12. — When is your birthday? "It's a secret. 13. "Am I right or wrong?" "It's hard to say. 14. — Where are the students?" Where is the teacher? "They're in the hall. There's a concert. 15. It's not a good idea, is it? 16. —
Why are you here? — I'm the new Secretary. What are my responsibilities? 17. — What kind of man is he?" — He's an honest man, and he's obsessed with work. 18. You're not mad at us, are you? 19. — He's not a gangster, is he?" — Of course not. 20. — Are you a book lover?" — Yes, and I'm a great traveler. 21. Why is it always like this? I'm so unlucky. 22. Who says life is boring? Not me!
2. - You'd better take a taxi."Where's the nearest taxi stand?""There, across from the market."
3. - Show me the blue shirt.- What is your size?
- 48 (forty eight)