Вопрос: Хорошо ли оснащена Ваша школа? Как? ответ: My school is well equipped. Our lessons are very interesting with new technologies. There are computers and screens in it. I really love to be there.
Personally, I love the sport because - it is a healthy way of life! You do your own body, who wants to be sporty and healthy, and someone, just do not need it, all of them are satisfied with its appearance, bad habits. Sport is education of their willpower, health promotion. Sport - it's beautiful. What is the best sports guy or a guy with bad habits, thin circles under the eyes? Sport, makes us strong, is preparing for the physical difficulties in our lives. ПЕРЕВОД Лично я люблю спорт за то, что - это здоровый образ жизни! Ты сам делаешь свое тело, кто то хочет быть спортивным и здоровым, а кто то, просто это не нужно, их все устраивает, его внешний вид, вредные привычки. Спорт это воспитание своей силы воли, укрепление здоровья. Спорт - это красиво. Что лучше спортивный парень или парнишка с вредными привычками, худой с кругами под глазами? Спорт, делает нас сильными, это подготовка к физическим трудностям в нашей жизни.
When the book appeared, and life without them became impossible, they had somewhere to contain. So any book depository, or library. Library, translated from the Greek - and the book casket store. ("Bible" - a book, "tech" - storage box, that is "the repository of books." On the role of libraries in the lives of people can be judged by the imaginative names, which they have long been appropriated. They were called the Temple of Wisdom, the memory of mankind, storage treasures of civilization. My favorite part of any library - reading room. I like to watch people, bent over books, deeply immersed in their entertaining content. But after a few minutes of observation, I myself gladly transported to the magical world of books lying in front of me, forgetting everything in the world, and even a passing rapidly time. Going to the library for me - not a holiday, but a much stronger feeling. The library has a kind of reliability, stability, and this feeling of eternity greatly affect the mood of the person. And anyone who feels attracted to reading, the craving for new knowledge, feels in his heart the welcoming atmosphere of the library, widely opens the doors to its admirers. And this is very loved my situation allows to absorb more knowledge and just relax among the tall shelves with our intelligent, faithful and loyal friends - books.
ответ: My school is well equipped. Our lessons are very interesting with new technologies. There are computers and screens in it. I really love to be there.