Lenin Avenue. The very first and at first the only street in Yekaterinburg, was laid through the dam. The main street of Yekaterinburg in the XVIII century was called Bolshaya, Pershpektivnaya, Main Pershpektivnaya, since 1845 the name Main Avenue was established for it. In 1919, the Avenue was renamed Lenin street.
Malyshev Street. One of the oldest streets in Yekaterinburg. Previously, the street was called Pokrovsky Prospekt. In 1919, the street was renamed in honor of Ivan Malyshev, since it was here in the house number 46 in 1917 that the Yekaterinburg Committee of Bolsheviks was located, which immediately after leaving the underground was headed by I. M. Malyshev, who was killed by the white guards in 1918.
Kuibyshev Street. One of the largest and most important streets of old and modern Yekaterinburg. Previously, until 1935, the street was called Sibirsky Prospekt, but initially it was the road to Tobolsk, connecting the fortress-factory with the Tobolsk province. In 1763, the Tobolsk road became the Siberian highway, and the part of the highway passing through Yekaterinburg became known as Sibirsky Prospekt. In 1935, the Avenue was renamed Kuibyshev street in honor of the revolutionary, Soviet political and party figure who died in 1935.
Bolshakov Street. On the site of the current Bolshakov street once stretched a huge swamp, surrounded by dense forest. Only by the end of the last century there was a suburban street with a rare structure in the swamp, and became known as Bolotnaya. Since 1919, it began to bear the name of a Bolshevik worker-Stepan Bolshakov.
Yeltsin Street. Historically, it was formed in the 40s of the XVIII century. On the city plan of 1810, the street was designated as Single, and in 1845 it already appeared as Fetisovskaya and was a fully formed street consisting of two long blocks. In 1919, the street was renamed, being named in memory of the events of January 9, 1905 in St. Petersburg. In 2008, it was renamed in honor of the first President of the Russian Federation, Boris Yeltsin.
My favourite cartoon is Tom and Jerry. It is an American animated series created in 1940 by William Hannah and Joseph Barbera. Tom and Jerry is a comedy show. It is the genre of slapstick comedy. It was first released on 10 February,1940 and it lasted till September 27,2005. The main distributors of the show was Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and currently it has been distributing by Warner Bros./Turner Entertainment. The total episodes released were 162 from 1940-2005.The first released episode was "Puss Gets The Boots" in the year 1940. It was the first cartoon to get nominated for Academy Award for Short Cartoons. First Episode: In this episode Tom always grabs Jerry with his tail where Jerry always tries to run away from Tom. The Tom chases the mouse into the flower stand where it cracks. The flowers and its pot get destroyed. Mammy Two Shoes is Tom's mistress, she enters the room and scolds Tom for its behaviour. She told if he again breaks anything then he will be out of the house. The Jerry mouse came to know about the weakness of the cat Tom. So Jerry always threatens him by throwing the glass from the top of the shelf whenever Tom tries to grab him. Ultimately Jerry makes it hard for Tom by throwing the glasses one by one on the floor. Tom tries to catch glasses with its plate from floor. After doing so much practice of catching glasses, an idea finally came to his mind and he keeps cushions on the floor. Tom again comes to Jerry mouse ; where Jerry again tries to threaten him but this time he becomes unsuccessful. He sees that Tom has find solution to his problem. Tom makes a terrified face to Jerry where Jerry gave a scary laugh to Tom and tries to run away from him. This is one of my favourite episode of Tom and Jerry series. Speechless action of Tom and Jerry with small fun activities connects children's emotion with their childish imagination.