This is a cargo ship, not a passenger ship–
Это грузовое судно, а не пассажирское.
Important individuals want to meet individual on board.–
Важные персоны хотят встретиться с человеком, который у вас на борту.
The crew abandoned the ship.–
Экипаж покинул корабль.
A sailor is at sea much of the time.–
Моряк большую часть времени проводит в море.
My mind was drifting, and I'm trying to stay in the moment.–
Мысль ускользает, а я пытаюсь жить настоящим.
Captain, the enemy ship is drifting, totally disabled.–
Капитан, корабль противника дрейфует, он вышел из строя.
Merchant ship on the bow-go–
Торговое судно прямо по курсу.
чем смогла
Поставить слова в скобках в форму The Third Conditional.
1. If it had (not rained) yesterday, we would (have had) a picnic.
2. If she had (not been) so ill, she would (have gone) to the party.
3. If I had (not worked) hard, I would (not have passed) my final exams.
4. If you had (fallen), you would (have broken) your arm.
5. If you had (called) him, he would (not have worried) so much.
6. I would (have been) on time for the interview if I had (left) the house earlier.
7. The accident would (not have happened) if the roads had (not been) so slippery.
8. If you had (gone) to the museum with us last week, you would (have enjoyed).
9. If she had (married) him, she would (have been) happy.
10. If we had (not got) tickets for the concert, we would (have stayed) at home.