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where is the great wall? the great wall is in china. the chinese built the great wall thousands of years ago. they wanted to protect their country from unhiendly people. first, they built small walls around their towns. then the emperon shi huangdi, joined the walls and built new parts. he wanted to make one long wall the great wall shi huangdi was the first qin emperor. the name qin sounds like chin the word china comes from the name qin. shi huangdi made many changes in china. he wanted china to be strong and modern but many chinese did not like shi huangdi. he didn't care about the neople. many people dixd because of his changes. thousands of men worked on the great wall it was very hard work, many men got sick and died. over one million people died to make the wall. their bodies are buried in the wall some people say the great wall is "the wall of death. other chinese emperors added to the wall and made it better. the ming emperors added thousands of tall, strong buildings in the years 1368-1644 men staved in the buildings to protect and repair the wall they wete called guards souetimes more than a million guards worked un the wall. they were born on the wall and grew up there. they married theve and died there. many guards lived on the great wall all their lives sometimes untriendly men came to the wall to start problems. the guaists made a fire to showe they needed help guards from other parts of tbe wall ran along the top of the wall to help them we dont know exactly how long the great wall is there are many ditlerent parts of the wall, annd some parts fell down the wall is about 4.000miles (6,400 kilometers) long and ahout 25 feet (7.6 mcters) high it is about 1sloet (40 meters)wide at the iop. bses and cars can drive along it today he covat w all is the largest structure in the workd. sone ople sav an see tie great walt from space. but in 1969, an astronant who travclet in space said he did ot see any buildings-no the great wall
2. Nadia is so stubborn. She never listens to anyone.
3. He blushes every time I talk to him. He's so shy.
4. He doesn’t care about others feeling. He’s so selfish.
5. She has got a lot of friends. She’s sociable.
6. I really want to meet our new neighbours but I find it difficult to break the ice.
7. Ann’s honest and reliable. You can trust her.
8. Don’t believe everything Alice says. She’s a bit insincere.
9. She is tall and thin with long,straight hair.