The Island of Doctor Moreau is a science fiction novel written by Herbert Wells in 1896. It tells from the point of view of a man named Edward Prendick who has shipwrecked, and was saved by a passing boat, and then left at the ship's destination by the crew along with the ship's cargoof exotic animals. The island was home to a scientist VINA named Doctor Moreau, who has done cruel experiments on the animals, he has imported, trying to create human beings out of animals. The novel deals with numerous philosophical themes, including the need to take responsibility for the things we create, the question of what made a man a man, the cruelty of nature and of man, and the dangers of trying to control nature.
2. Jane said she enjoyed ice-skating.
3. Philip said who was the girl in the red dress.
4. Peter said Steve couldn’t walk after the accident.
5. Sarah told me she had never been abroad.
6. Sidney told to her daughter to clean up her room.
7. Jason said to his father that his friends were having a party soon.
8. Mary wondered where I put my glasses.
9. Stan said that he would call Susan later.
10. Sam told his brother that their father had seen a ghost.
11. Helen said if her friend knew Tom.
12. Mathew asked his teacher if he would give any homework.