I think that in the future the clothes will be completely different and not the same as ours. It will new technologies, for example, it will be cool in hot weather and warm in cold weather. This costume looks like it's made of a material that is not easy to break, I think it looks like clothes from robots movies.
Перевод: Думаю, что в будущем одежда будет совсем другой и не такой, как у нас. В ней будут новые технологии, например, в жаркую погоду будет прохладно, а в холод - тепло. Этот костюм выглядит так, будто сделан из материала, который непросто сломать, я думаю, он похож на одежду из фильмов про роботов.
1. What is your school? блин.. откуда я знаю какая у тебя школа...?
2. What can you say about the school equipment? ответ: I have good equipment at school.
3. What about discipline in your school? ответ: good discipline in my school.
4. Do you like all the teachers in your school? ответ: Yes
5. Do you think that teachers should be strict? ответ: everything should be in moderation.
6. What do you do if the lesson is boring? ответ: Lesson are rerely boring.
7. Are you allowed to do everything you wish at the lessons? ответ: No
8. Do you keep the school rules? ответ: Yes
9. Have you got many lessons every day? ответ: 6-7 lessons.
10. Are there any labs and workshops in the school? ответ: Yes
11. Where does usually PE lesson take place? ответ: in gym.
Are the teachers strict? ответ: Yes.
Do you like to go to school? ответ: Yes.there are my friends and I enjoy the knowledge gained.
надеюсь что оцени.