1. Джейн повинна до своїй матері в
2. Хтось повинен послати за лікарем.
3. Ви можете придбати цю книгу в будь-якій книзі
4. Том повинен взяти кузена на дискотеку. 5. Вона не може виконувати цю роботу.
6. Лікар повинен відвести пацієнта до лікарні
7. Я можу перекласти цей текст за годину.
8. Він повинен прибрати гараж.
9. Чи можете ви дати мені цю книгу? 12. Він повинен підписати документи.
10. Вона може годувати собаку м’ясом.
11. Фред повинен про це забути.
13. Ви можете показати їм лист.
14. Вони повинні опублікувати статтю в журналі.
15. Куди ми можемо покласти наші сумки?
Вот перевод думаю ты ето хотел
1. it turned out that he is a good specialistt turned out that he is a good specialist.
2.She is known to know several programming languages.
3.Wiener is considered the father of cybernetics.
4.It was once thought that computers took up an entire room
5.It seems he already bought a new computer
6.It turned out that this question is of great importance
7.It was reported that the delegation will arrive in a week
8.It is believed that he writes programs
9.It seems these two scientists are working on the same problem.
10.They say that mathematics is one of the oldest
11.It turns out they went to the same school
12.Who is considered the richest person in the world?
13.It seems like they are waiting for you
14.It cannot be that he independently wrote such a complex program!
15.It looks like we will finish the translation before the end of the session.
16.It was hoped that this experiment would be successful.
это перевод
2. You must respect my things.
3. You mustn't eat or drink in my room.
4. You must clean up after themselves.
5. You must take my things with permission.
6. You mustn’t make a noise.
7. You must take off shoes.
8. You can't talk loudly.
9. You can't run.
10. You can play computer games.