Did you use to play football against that team? - Вы ранее играли в футбол против той команды?
Did she use to write letters to him? - Она раньше писала ему письма?
Did you use to speak so fast? - Ты раньше говорил так же быстро?
Did you use to live in London? – Ты раньше жил в Лондоне?
Did you play the piano when you were young? - Ты в детстве играл на пианино?
Did you use to watch Mickey Mouse? - Ты раньше смотрел Микки Мауса?
Did you use to like school? - Тебе нравилось учиться в школе?
Did you use to eat a lot of sweets when you were a child? — Ты кушала много конфет, когда была ребенком?
What kind of books did you use to read? – Какие книги ты раньше читал?
Did they use to have pets? – У них раньше были домашние животные?
We didn't use to swim in that river in winter - Мы раньше не купались в той реке зимой.
She didn't use to work at that office - Раньше она не работала в том офисе.
I did not use to like him but now I do. – Он мне раньше не нравился, но сейчас нравится.
I never used to watch TV. – Я никогда не смотрел телевизор раньше.
You did not play the piano when you were young. - В детстве ты не играл на пианино.
I didn’t use to like him. — Я не любила его.
She didn’t use to read a lot. - Она не читала много.
I didn`t use to watch cartoons much when I was a child - Я не смотрел часто мультики, когда был ребёнком.
I didn`t use to like Ricky but now I do.- Раньше Рикки мне не нравился, я теперь нравится.
I didn’t use to go to the theatre.
He didn’t use to live in a country house.
Present Simple
1. I go to school five days a week.
2. I brush my teeth every morning.
3. She doesn't like eating fish.
4. His aunt can swim very well.
5. Do your grandparents live in Lviv?
6. They have breakfast at 7 a. m.
7. Peter usually goes for a walk in the evenings.
8. Susan and her cousin study at the same school.
9. We often go to the theatre on Mondays.
10. My brother always makes a lot of mistakes when he does his homework.
Present Continuous
1. They are going to the cinema now.
2. She is washing up now.
3. I am drinking tea now.
4. He is dancing now.
5. Pam is crying now.
6. My parents are sleeping now.
7. Cal is preparing his dinner now.
8. We are having a control work now.
9. Your friends are trying to help you now.
10. This girl is singing my song now.
2) something
3) nothing
4) somebody
5) nobody
6) nothing
7) anything