Моя семья обычно смотрит телевизор в вечернее время. Моя семья смотрела телевизор вчера вечером. Моя семья будет смотреть телевизор завтра вечером
make our review comments clearer and more to the point. Useful Language Rackground written / directed / designed by first / second novel / album series / etc is set in BaCA fantastic CD / book / film / game / etc that • This • The film / book / The main character (s) • The film / book / gameletc tells the slare story of / is based on the idea of It is afn) tion-thriller / romantic comedy / science-fiction Gim / book about. • It's a simulation / action-adventure / role-playing game. • There are 10 aain tracks on the CD and 2 bonus tracks. Main points of the plot The plot focuses on. about thrilling / (rather) boring. • The main idea of the game is that the player. General comments / opinion: • It is rather confusing / slow / boring / etc The cast / characters is / are weak / awful / unconvincing / amazing / etc • It has a tragic / surprising / dramatic ending. • The script is (very) clever / dullexciting / well-. influences. • The impressive / advanced graphics really bring the .. to life. • The story beginsfis • The plot / game is (absolutely) • I thoroughly recommend this • This is well worth seeing / visiting / buying. •
Моя семья обычно смотрят телевизор в вечернее время. Моя семья смотрела телевизор вчера вечером. Моя семья будет смотреть вечером телевизор завтра