Есть диалог такой: a: how long have you been at this conference? b: as long as you have.two days. как задать такие вопросы? 1)он был на конференции так же долго как она? 2)сколько дней
J.R.was a great English painter.He was born in Devonshire in the south of England in 1723.His father was a school teacher.Joshua learned to paint in London and in Italy.People liked the portraits which Reynolds painted.He worked much in Italy and visited many cities where he painted. He became famous portrait painter. In 1768 Reynolds became the first president of the Royal Academy of Arts.He made a whole gallery of portraits of the most famous people. In 1792 the great English painter died.
1.I had my homework after my eating the dinner yesterday.2.I have forgotten the meaning ,which I wanted to say.3. What did you have for a breakfast yesterday?4.I could not to have the cocoa for the breakfast,because I just hate it!5.When she said this to me,I become to be numb. 1.What do you usually have for supper?2.I usually have light supper consist of some sausage or sandwich.3.Have you answers on those questions?4.No,I have been thinking about it.5.I have my lunch at the New restaurant near my workplace.
2)How long have they been at the conference?