Many people like spending their holidays in the countryside. Life in the village is different from life in the city. Country air is less contaminated. There are lakes and meadows with grazing cattle. There are a lot of things you can do while staying in the countryside. You can take a stroll in the forest and listen to some birds’ singing, you can go fishing or swim in the lake. You can simply sit by the river watching sunset.
Everyone who lives in the village has their own farm. Some people rear hens, pigs or goats. Everyone has their own vegetable garden where they grow vegetables, fruit and berries. In the nearby forest they go to pick mushrooms. Перевод в комментариях
1.Caroline asked David where Trevor was going. 2.Alex asked Ben if he had passed his exams. 3.Samuel asked Rick if he could call him the following day. 4.The teacher asked her pupils if they were ready with their homework. 5.Andrea asked Rachel what time her school started. 6.Rachel asked Liz how long she would stay at the camp. 7.Jaremy asked Mashable if she was good at learning languages. 8.William asked his father if he could take his car that day. 9.Mother asked Pam if she had washed the dishes. 10.Jennie asked Olivia how long she was going to stay in Britain.
1)Everyone likes summer. - Все любят лето. 2)Everything is possible. - Все возможно. 3)There is a very kind king in this country. - В этой стране очень добрый король. 4)I dislike this kind of music. - Мне не нравится этот вид музыки. 5)I hate everything about you. - Мне ненавистно все, что с тобой связано. (Everything уже второй раз (еще во втором было)) 6)There are homeless dogs everywhere. - Везде есть бездомные собаки. 7)This is a first-class restaurant. - Это ресторан первого (высшего) класса. 8)I'll go to school tomorrow, of course. - Завтра я пойду в школу, конечно. 9)He is fond of swimming. - Он увлекается плаванием. 10)On the one hand it's a perfect plan, but on the other hand there are some disadvantages in it. - С одной стороны это великолепный план, но с другой стороны в нем есть некоторые недостатки. 11)I like the gaiety of the streets. - Я люблю оживленность улиц. 12)We had a very pleasant discussion. - Мы провели крайне приятную беседу. 13)Archeologists found some gold in the cave. - Археологи нашли немного золота в пещере. 14)This is a very expensive golden statue. - Это очень дорогая золотая статуэтка. 15)Call me up and give me a little prod, so I won't forget. - Позвони мне и напомни, тогда я не забуду. 16)He should swallow his pride. - Ему следует проглотить свою гордость. 17)We usually have dinner at two o'clock PM. - Мы обычно обедаем в два накрой стол в столовой.
Everyone who lives in the village has their own farm. Some people rear hens, pigs or goats. Everyone has their own vegetable garden where they grow vegetables, fruit and berries. In the nearby forest they go to pick mushrooms. Перевод в комментариях