4. In 2100, people will drive flying cars.
5. He enjoys listening to music.
6. There is a swimming pool near our school.
7. Betty wakes up early every day.
8. We can't go out because it's raining.
9. Eric wants to buy a pair of shoes.
10. I must go to the dentist because I have toothache.
11. Listen! Paul is playing the piano.
12. The phone is ringing. I'll answer it.
13. In the future there won't be any schools.
14. John is looking at the paintings.
15. I think I will go to Spain this summer.
J| E G K O
1. I saw Jim this morning. He was running for the bus. 2. Keri was angry. She had been waiting for Sarah for two hours. 3. Andy was relieved to hear that he had passed the exam. 4. I was walking home when I saw Paul. 5. Brian learnt how to spell his name at school today. 6. They hadn’t visited their grandparents for a long time. 7. I was watching television when the telephone rang. 8. Jason had been thinking about his new car all day. 9. I bought the dress because I wanted something special to wear to the party. 10. The little boy was crying because he had lost his mother. 11. Graham had been working for the company for twenty years before he retired. 12. Pam opened the present and read the card. 13. Lucy wrote a letter to her sister last night. 14. It had been raining all day and the roads were very wet. 15. Sue was smiling as she was reading Mary’s letter.
1. I'll wait here until you get back.
2. Give me a ring when you hear some news.
3. After the TV programme ends, I'll do my homework.
4. Before I go to work, I'll have a bath.
5. While she's in Paris, she'll visit friends.
6. As soon as the lesson ends, I'll go home.
7. I won't leave the house until the postman calls.
8. Can you feed the cats while I'm away?
9. I'll tell you about the holiday when I get back.
10.I'll study English until I speak it perfectly.
По правилам английской грамматики в придаточных предложениях времени и условия с союзами if,when, as soon as, until, before, after, whenever, unless и др. вместо будущего времени употребляется соответствующее настоящее время.