There are over an array of varieties in trying to create a prioritised source of alternative energy source. The question is in which one should we make a primitive source of creating energy. So what kind of energy can we chose to consider on making our required need, to producing energy. Over all, everything that is alternative, makes our environment one step closer toward a better more cleaner, healthier environment. Which will you pick?
Alternative fuels are just one of the many sources that power our everyday life style, from cars to electric power plants. On the other hand you have electric turbines, that are spanned by the wind with these giant propellers in order to extract the kinetic energy from the wind. Therefore producing energy as it is spinned by propellers to spin a turbine, and in term receiving clean energy. A solar panel is deigned to absorb light energy from the sun.There is also the extraction of the sun’s energy as the sun’s rays can be caught into one of today’s modern equipment, solar panels. Solar panels are tiny microchips that are inserted in one concentrated area and are semiconductors, the kind that you use in your computer.
New Year is a wonderful winter holiday. On New Year's Eve, everything seems mysterious, fabulous and magical.
I love the New Year because it is at this time that miracles happen and dreams come true. This is a family holiday. On New Year's Eve, I decorate the Christmas tree, help my mother set the table, decorate the house. On New Year's Eve, people go out into the street and admire the bright and unforgettable show - fireworks, which gives everyone an elevated festive mood. To celebrate the New Year, close relatives and beloved friends gather at our home, we give each other gifts, dance near an elegant Christmas tree and sing New Year's songs.
перевод:Новый год - замечательный зимний праздник. В новогоднюю ночь всё кажется таинственным, сказочным и волшебным.
Я люблю Новый год за то, что именно в это время случаются чудеса и сбываются мечты. Это семейный праздник. В Новый год я наряжаю ёлку маме накрывать на стол, украшаю дом. В новогоднюю ночь люди выходят на улицу и любуются ярким и незабываемым зрелищем - салютом, который дарит всем приподнятое праздничное настроение. На встречу Нового года у нас дома собираются близкие родственники и любимые друзья, мы дарим друг другу подарки, танцуем возле нарядной ёлки и поем новогодние песни.
2. Told me to ignore them
3. I asked the teacher to help me
4. She asked me to give
5. They told the boys to go away