1.Drought-- засуха
f)continuous dry weather, when there is not enough water for people’s needs
2.Flood- наводнение
c)coming of a great quantity of water over a place
3.volcanic eruption -извержение вулкана
b)lava, cinders, gases come up suddenly from below the earth surface through an opening of a mountain
d)a mass of snow, ice
i)sudden violent movement of the earth’s surface
a)a light that happens during a thunderstorm, very bright and fast
7.Tsunami цунами
k)a series of water waves caused by the displacement of a large volume of water
8.forest fire лесной пожар
j)an uncontrollable fire in an area of vegetation that happens in the countryside
9.Hurricane-- ураган
e)violent and destructive storm over a small area
10.Tornado- торнадо
h)a wind that blows and twirls round from the land to the top of the sky
11.Explosion- взрыв
g)a sudden burning of some combustible material
1. Nowadays, there are underground railways in 150 cities all over the world. 2. The gauge of most railways in Great Britain is now 4 feet 8 1/2 inches, but there was time when the gauge was not the same on all the railways.
3. There wiil be an extra commuter train tomorrow
1. На сегодняшний день метрополитены есть в 150 городах мира.
2. Колея большинства железных дорог в Великобритании сейчас составляет 4 фута 8 1/2 дюймов, но было время, когда колея не была одинаковой на всех железных дорогах.
3. Завтра будет дополнительный пригородный поезд.
2. Did you put off your appointment yesterday?
3. Did your friend contacted you 2 hours ago?
4. Do those businessmen always fulfill their obligations?