1. Listen! I (want) to ask you а few questions. 2. ‘Where is John?’ ‘He (is having) а smoke in the garden.’ 3. How do you make this cake? It (tastes) wonderful. 4. Those jeans (look) great on you! 5. Jane can’t come to the phone because she (is washing) her hair. 6. I (don’t like) football very much. 7. We usually (go) to the seaside in summer. 8. I (am thinking) of going to university. 9. (Are you studying) for your exams at the moment? 10. (Do you see) my problem? 11. Can you be quiet, please? I (am listening) to the radio. 12. He (thinks) that school is boring. 13. They (meet) for lunch once а month. 14. Ann paid for the boat so it (belongs) to her now. 15. John! Answer the door, please! I (am making) dinner. 16. I (don’t enjoy) cooking very much. 17. It (rains) а lot in this region in winter. 18. I (prefer) volleyball to basketball. 19. (Do you know) what’s happening? 20. We (have) а house near the beach..
2. Alec said that his friend lived in New York.
3. I asked Boris if his friend lived in London.
4. She said that nothing grew in her garden as it never got any sun.
5. The teacher said that we would have to work hard the following day.