He swims every summer in the river. I don't like to wash plates. Where does she live? She never gets up late. It sounds good.
They unswered all the teacher,s questions. I invited her to have lunch together. Did you see that guy? They brought two chairs and sat down. We didn't write this test yesterday.
Shall we go to the country in two days? They will go abroad next summer. She will not buy this expensive coat. We shall not forget this rule. Will you go to the cinems with me?
What are you doing? I'm looking for my keys. She is watering flowers in the garden now. Are you reading Jule Wern book now? We aren't listening to the radio at thd moment.
I was reading a newspaper while she was knitting. When he came home his wife was cooking dinner. They were working in the field at 3 p.m. I wasn't eating at 10 p.m., because I was sleeping.
еда царей икра - одно из самых известных продуктов в . это соленые яйца осетровых рыб, которые живут в черном море и каспийско море. россия, болеечем любая другая страна, известна своей высококачественной икрой. не ели ее, потому что им не нравился ее вкус, пока екатерина великая не преподнесла ее на ужин в 1778 году. с тех пор она была любимым блюдом разных царей, и они часто называют ее "едой царей" они были основнымии потребителями икры, и рыбаки посылали им лучшее из своей продукции. каждый год николай 2 (1868-1918) получал около 11 тонн икры от своих рыбаков. в наши дни, хотя она довольно дорогая, люди во всем мире ее на праздниах и в особых случаях
1. By the time the hospital is built (pres simp pass), we’ll have graduated (fut perf) from the Academy. 2. Some scientists had worked (past perf) in the laboratory before they started (past simp) their work at the University. 3. Since the 19th century scientists have made (pres perf) great progress in genetic experiments. 3. The surgeon hasn’t discharged (pres perf) this patient from the clinic yet. 4. All of these patients had had (past perf) positive results before the operation. 5. Prof. Dmitriev has just delivered (pres perf) his lecture on the exchange of gases in the lungs. 6. The doctor hasn’t prolonged (pres perf) the treatment because the patient feels well. 7. Vet’s assistants will have collected (fut perf) urine samples of sick animals by tomorrow. 8. I’ll have read (fut perf) this book by the end of the week.1. К завершению строительства больницы, мы уже закончим Академию. 2. Некоторые ученые работали в лаборатории, прежде чем начать свою работу в университете. 3. С 19 века ученые добились большого прогресса в генетических экспериментах. 3. Хирург пока не выписал этого пациента из больницы. 4. У всех этих пациентов были положительные результаты до операции. 5. Профессор Дмитриев только что выступил с докладом на тему газообмена в легких. 6. Врач не продлил лечение, потому что пациент чувствует себя хорошо До завтра ассистенты ветеринара соберут образцы мочи больных животных. 8. Я прочту эту книгу к концу недели.
They unswered all the teacher,s questions. I invited her to have lunch together. Did you see that guy? They brought two chairs and sat down. We didn't write this test yesterday.
Shall we go to the country in two days? They will go abroad next summer. She will not buy this expensive coat. We shall not forget this rule. Will you go to the cinems with me?
What are you doing? I'm looking for my keys. She is watering flowers in the garden now. Are you reading Jule Wern book now? We aren't listening to the radio at thd moment.
I was reading a newspaper while she was knitting. When he came home his wife was cooking dinner. They were working in the field at 3 p.m. I wasn't eating at 10 p.m., because I was sleeping.