Dress up-dres ʌp have street parades - həv striːt pəˈreɪd light bonfires- laɪt ˈbɒn.faɪər decorate the house- ˈdekəreɪt ðə haʊs exchange gifts- ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ ɡɪft have a family dinner- həv ei ˈfæməli dɪnə(r) cook special food- kʊk speʃl fuːd
Our house for me designates: first the dwelling with furniture. Secondly cozy place. In the third the place where it is possible just to be alone when sadly or to think of the life and problems. For mother it too the dwelling and the cozy place, but what is pleasant to her so is that we can talk, have supper or be played by all family. For the father it too the dwelling and the cozy place, in the house it is possible to meet almost always to meet family members and to chat. For the brother ( sister ) this coziest and beautiful place. Перевод: Наш дом для меня обозначает: во первых жилище с мебелью. Во вторых уютное место. В третьих место где можно побыть одной когда грустно или или подумать о своей жизни и проблемах. Для мамы это тоже жилище и уютное место, но то что ей нравится так это то что мы всей семьёй можем поговорить, поужинать или поиграться. Для папы это тоже жтлтще и уютное место, ведь именно в доме можно почти всегда встретить членов семьи и поболтать. Для брата ( сестры ) это самое уютное и красивое место.
School really gives us a lot. This is a real school of life. We definitely get knowledge on school subjects. Besides, teachers teach us ethic, morality, discipline, speak properly and express our thoughts. Teachers help to form the basic life goals. Both public and private education have their own advantages and disadvantages. In a private school teachers more attentive to children. But not everyone can afford to pay for education. In a state school children are less arrogant and more friendly. But in a state school then give general knowledge without advanced study of definite subjects. I don't which school to study in b cause a lot depends on pupil's own efforts.
have street parades - həv striːt pəˈreɪd
light bonfires- laɪt ˈbɒn.faɪər
decorate the house- ˈdekəreɪt ðə haʊs
exchange gifts- ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ ɡɪft
have a family dinner- həv ei ˈfæməli dɪnə(r)
cook special food- kʊk speʃl fuːd