Let me introduce myself. Позвольте представиться.I am Lucy. I am 25. Now I am a student. I study In the University. It is difficult to describe myself. The most difficult thing is to tell something objective about myself, but I will try. I think I am an interesting person. I think that to tell many good words about yourself is not very modest, but I am very talkative, clever, friendly and merry. It is hard to speak about myself as only people surrounding me can see me objectively. I have a lot of hobbies. I like music, books, dance, singing and meeting with friends. I have a lot of goals in my life and try to do everything to achieve them. I am purposeful. My motto in life is “ there is no problem which we can’t solve”. I think that we can overcome all problems.
Всё зависит от темы репортажа.. . Например, выборы Президента Украины (которые состоялись уже, но допустим что это перед выборами) : - Whom would you like to see as the next president of Ukraine? - Do you think the elections are going to be democratic this time? - In your opinion, why Timoshenko doesn't support Yushenko anymore? - Are you going to vote this year? - Do you think your vote will be counted or everything is decided already? - Do you like the current president? If not, please explain why. - Is it reasonable to believe in results of the exit-polls? - If Yanukovich wins, will he bring the stability into the country? - Could you give a reason why many people voting agains everybody this time? - Should elections be held every four years or people should choose a president for a longer period of time?
What do you read at school?
They were not at home yesterday.