I’d like to describe picture №1. The picture shows some little girl. She is in her classroom. The girl is sitting at the desk. I think she is doing some task that her teacher gave to her. She is writing or drawing. This little girl is very cute and smiley. She is the pupil, because she is wearing some school uniform. She's got fair hair in the ponytail. I like this picture and I've chosen it, because this girl is very nice and she's in a good mood doing her classwork.
A 5
B 2
C 3
D 6
E 4
A 4
B 2
C 1
D 2
E 2
1 картинка
There is coffee on the next table. There are also slices of bread. A delicious sandwich lies on the plates. And a delicious omelet.
2 картинка
There are two buns on my table. There is also one kuarsan on the table. Another coffee and another sandwich.
Перевод 1 картинки
На следующем столе кофе. Также есть ломтики хлеба. На тарелках лежит вкусный бутерброд. И вкусный омлет.
Перевод 2 картинки
На моем столе две булочки. Еще на столе один куарсан. Еще один кофе и еще один бутерброд.
Желаю удачи;)
1 unsinkble 2knowledgeable 3 industrious 4 incomprehensible 5 homeless
6 victorious 7 revolutionary