1890 - one thousand eight hundred ninety;
1622 - one thousand six hundred twenty-two;
1254 - one thousand two hundred fifty four;
1581 - one thousand five hundred eighty-one.
What is this city famous for?--It's famous for its movie theatres.
What is the most poppular theatre?-The Kodak Theater is.
Are there any shops and restaurants there? -There are a lot of shops and restaurants there.
Why is this place so popular for thousands of people?- Because people like to think that they're likely to meet a star there.
What will you have to do to see a star? -You'll have to stand in a big crowd behind the velvet ropes.
What is the most famous place in Hollywood connecting with super stars?- The Walk of Fame is in Hollywood Boulevard.
What is it famous for? -It's the world's most unusual monument to talent and success.
How much does it cost? -It costs about $40,000.
1)One thousand eight hundred and ninety
2)One thousand six hundred and twenty-two
3)One thousand two hundred and fifty four
4)One thousand five hundred and eighty-one
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